Element 9.8: Fair and Timely Summative Assessment

Element 9.8: Fair and Timely Summative Assessment

LCME Element 9.8 – Fair and Timely Summative Assessment A medical school has in place a system of fair and timely summative assessment of medical student achievement in each course and clerkship of the medical education program. Final grades are available within...
Element 6.1: Program and Learning Objectives

Element 6.1: Program and Learning Objectives

LCME Element 6.1 – Program and Learning Objectives The faculty of a medical school defines its medical education program objectives in outcome-based terms that allow the assessment of medical students’ progress in developing the competencies that the profession...
Element 2.6: Functional Integration of the Faculty

Element 2.6: Functional Integration of the Faculty

LCME Element 2.6 – Functional Integration of the Faculty At a medical school with one or more regional campuses, the faculty at the departmental and medical school levels at each campus are functionally integrated by appropriate administrative mechanisms (e.g.,...