Standards and Elements Explained

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Element 11.1: Academic Advising and Academic Counseling

Element 11.1: Academic Advising and Academic Counseling

LCME Element 11.1 - Academic Advising and Academic Counseling A medical school has an effective system of academic advising in place for medical students that integrates the efforts of faculty members, course and clerkship directors, and student affairs staff with its...

Element 10.8: Visiting Students

Element 10.8: Visiting Students

LCME Element 10.8 - Visiting Students A medical school does all of the following: Verifies the credentials of each visiting medical student Ensures that each visiting medical student demonstrates qualifications comparable to those of the medical students the visiting...

Element 9.3: Clinical Supervision of Medical Students

Element 9.3: Clinical Supervision of Medical Students

LCME Element 9.3 - Clinical Supervision of Medical Students A medical school ensures that medical students in clinical learning situations involving patient care are appropriately supervised at all times in order to ensure patient and student safety, that the level of...

Element 7.5: Societal Problems

Element 7.5: Societal Problems

LCME Element 7.5 - Societal Problems The faculty of a medical school ensure that the medical curriculum includes instruction in the diagnosis, prevention, appropriate reporting, and treatment of the medical consequences of common societal problems. Hidden Curriculum...

Element 6.1: Program and Learning Objectives

Element 6.1: Program and Learning Objectives

LCME Element 6.1 - Program and Learning Objectives The faculty of a medical school defines its medical education program objectives in outcome-based terms that allow the assessment of medical students’ progress in developing the competencies that the profession and...

Element 4.4: Feedback to Faculty

Element 4.4: Feedback to Faculty

LCME Element 4.4 - Feedback to Faculty A medical school faculty member receives regularly scheduled and timely feedback from departmental and/or other programmatic or institutional leaders on academic performance and progress toward promotion and, when applicable,...

Element 2.6: Functional Integration of the Faculty

Element 2.6: Functional Integration of the Faculty

LCME Element 2.6 - Functional Integration of the Faculty At a medical school with one or more regional campuses, the faculty at the departmental and medical school levels at each campus are functionally integrated by appropriate administrative mechanisms (e.g.,...

Element 1.4: Affiliation Agreements

Element 1.4: Affiliation Agreements

LCME Element 1.4 - Affiliation Agreements In the relationship between a medical school and its clinical affiliates, the educational program for all medical students remains under the control of the medical school’s faculty, as specified in written affiliation...